måndag 1 oktober 2007

ET, phone home

Okay, so the experience technology module has started for real! Our group has been given the privilege to work with MIX (Lego Mindstorms). Our idea is to build a sphere wich produces a visualization of the surrounding elements with help from four sensors (light, sound, ultra sonic and touch). The visualization itself will be presented as different symbols, sounds, colors and movement projected on a big wall.

At first this was very entertaining, but then I was chosen to be the groups Exhibition representative. I had NO idea how much work this would generate and my role in the ET group fades more with every minute.

I think this will work out fine and that my original group will answer me when I "phone home" to them.

tisdag 11 september 2007

....its the motion in the ocean

This is what I pumped out during the motion week.

Its basically showing me how frustraded I can get if I dont get all of my "ideas" out of my system.